Saturday 31 August 2013

A Dinner A Day Challenge: September 2013

A Dinner A Day - What's it all about?

I was making our evening meal one day in August and I realised that although we eat well and I cook a high percentage of our meals fresh every day, we do tend to eat the same dishes quite often. 

We're fans of all different types of cuisine and the children aren't growing up as fussy eaters - I'm very lucky in that respect!

I decided to set myself a little challenge for September:

Thirty days - Thirty different dinners.

To be honest, I wasn't too concerned about finding things to make. There are literally millions of recipes on the internet, I have lots of cookery books and I often throw recipes together on the spot at home.

But you know what? It wasn't as easy as I thought! 

Follow my journey through September with dishes and recipes (where applicable - I can't promise a takeaway-free month!)

The other thing is that for a family of 4 we still try to keep our food shopping to £50 per week. So these meals will be a brilliant mix of imagination, budgeting and time-friendly recipes.

Wish me luck!